Reconnecting Appalachians back to Appalachia

The Appalachia Track is a one-to-two-year program that seeks to connect college graduates to a holistic work of recovery and renewal in the city of Richmond and the region of eastern Kentucky.

The Five Values of the Appalachia Track


The central place of life, family, and city is the local church, where God’s people are gathered together within a covenant community to worship him, and together are sent out by him to spread his Kingdom.

It is our aim to plant new churches in eastern Kentucky towns.


God sends his people to be his representatives throughout his world–a re-creation amidst a broken creation–in order to bring redemption to people, culture, and creation.

It is our aim to spread the good news of God’s Kingdom in Richmond and into Appalachia.


Humans were created to work and cultivate creation into communities and cultures for God’s glory. Work is then a central aspect of human flourishing and, therefore, a central aspect of the Christian life.

It is our aim to recapture a biblical view of work and vocation in order to increase human flourishing in Richmond and throughout eastern Kentucky.


We believe that the best hope for those living on the margins of society is for them to receive friendship and help from God’s people. It is our calling to care for the orphan, the widow, the poor, the friendless, the addict–the least of these.

It is our aim to follow Jesus in ministering to the poor and hurting in downtown Richmond and eastern Kentucky.


The context for the Christian life is the community of God’s people. Worship, mission, work, and mercy are all communal endeavors. And friendship within the community is the joy–the lilies and roses–of this Christian life.

It is our aim to multiply robust, life-giving communities where Christians flourish and non-Christians are welcomed.

The Five Offerings of the Appalachia Track


Interact with local and regional leaders; take vision trips into the heart of eastern Kentucky to learn about its culture and history, as well as the opportunities to restore it.


Live together in downtown Richmond with other graduates seeking to grow and make a difference in the city and eastern Kentucky region.


Get hands-on ministry experience with kids and adults on the margins in downtown Richmond through service, friendship, and evangelism at a local school and housing project.


Grow in your relationship with God and his people within the context of the local church; share friendship with others in your stage of life, as well as with the broader church community; learn truth, goodness, and beauty through books, teaching, and discussion groups.


Work or intern within a field of interest at a Richmond business, ministry, or institution; receive vocational and leadership training to prepare you for the future.

Want to learn more?

Fill out our interest form if you’re interested and want to learn more.

Ready to apply?

Fill out an application to join the Appalachia Track.